I bought an item from this seller. First, she was late with a shipment. When I finally received it, it was too small. Her measurements were not accurate and I wanted to return it. Seller ignored numerous requests for a return slip. eBay doesn’t help to resolve issues like this as they say they would.
3***1 (1108)- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
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It was never shipped. I had to contact the seller 2 times until finally found out that this item was lost and never shipped, The seller issued refund after 2nd message from me.
*****- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
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Excellent buyer, Hope to deal with you again, Thank you :)
*****- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
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Excellent buyer, Hope to deal with you again, Thank you :)
therewearaffair (7366)- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
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Thank you for an easy, pleasant transaction. Excellent buyer. A++++++.
tafferdills (4698)- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.